Friday, September 20, 2013

Irish Weddings

There are many ways to give a wedding an Irish touch from a little piece of jewelry to an all out traditional celebration. My advice is to pick and choose the traditions that mean the most to you and your partner because having a traditional ceremony simply to say you are really will just cause headaches in the future.

The Ring-Claddagh

The claddagh ring is known across the world as an Irish symbol of love, but few know the meaning behind the symbol or how to properly. The ring is composed of a heart being held by a pair of hands. The heart is also wearing a crown. The heart represents the wearers love and when worn with the point pointing out on the right hand the hands seem to be pushing love out to the world. This position tends to mean that the wearer is single. When worn on the right hand with the point in, it means that the person is in a relationship. When the ring is moved to the left hand, point out means engaged and point in means married. The crown on the ring stands for God, and it is thought that when you wear the ring pointed in the crown is on the outside sealing and protecting the heart.

The Dress-A little Something Blue

Before white, blue was the color of purity. A lot of Irish brides will work in a blue sash or pendant to represent this. Brides in blue used to walk to the church with their groom and people would recognize the marriage colors and throw everything from rice to pots and pans to bring luck to their journey.

The Flowers-Lavender or Belles of Ireland

Depending on your color scheme, both lavender and green belles are popular at Irish weddings. Lavender stands for loyalty, love and devotion. Also Irish brides tend to wear these flowers in their hair or a flowered headpiece. The Belles of Ireland are great for a green wedding but tend to be a bit expensive, so mixing them with other flowers would be best.

Traditions- Hand Fasting and Bells

Two popular Irish traditions include the binding of the bride and grooms hands and the blessing of the matriomnal bell. The hands are bound by various colored cords that have various meaning. It is a physical and visual symbol of the bonds on marriage being created. The bell is blessed during the ceremony and placed in the newlyweds Home to reprsent their wedding vows. It is also said that during a fight the bride or groom can choose to ring the bell and the topic is dropped for the day. But it is only used in serious occasions.

I hope you're wedding and lives together are lucky!
--The Southside Bride

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