Friday, August 16, 2013

What to do with That Dress

Now that you spent all that money on a wedding dress, what are you going to do with it?
Sure you can preserve it and show it to your children one day but really, do you really want to waste all the closet space for the rest of your life?

Wrecking the Dress

This trend skyrocketed in the last few years, so if you search there are plenty of pictures of muddy uped brides. It is a fun and exciting end to all of that Wedding Stress. A word to the wise though, if you are considering jumping in mud or water, have your groom jump in with you (not in his rented tux of course) just because that heavy dress will get 3-5 times heavier and you might just need an extra set of hands to get out.

Making Something new

This has always been my personal favorite. You can make your child's christening, first communion or first blanket out of parts of your dress depending on the fabric. This way you are recycling not only the clothes but all of the emotions attached to the dress.  I've also heard of people paying to get a shorter white dress made from their wedding dress.

Donate it

It may sound silly but there is a good percentage of girls who find the dress of their dreams at a second hand shop. Usually those are the girls who need the dress most.

Ebay it away!
You will not get the original cost of the dress back, but why not make a few $100 on a dress you will never wear again. (Also if you are looking for a dress, I would find a style you like on David's Bridal and then search for it here, you might get lucky!)

Or you can just wear it around for a month and see how many free/discounted hotel nights and restaurant meals you can get with it on. ;-)
--The Southside Bride

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